Thursday, December 14, 2006

Funny Quote From Blue...

Begin Blue
eep...moving this thread to general forums for discussion....

You can find out all about MG attacks at

Yes they were MG attacks, and yes DOOM was a self replicator that was killed by the grid monkey. Please remember...Grid monkey hate goo. Grid monkey smash goo. You make it, grid monkey smash you.
End Blue

Monday, December 11, 2006

Holy Crap this is hilarious!

Got this video off digg. its in japan where honda is showing off the ASIMO robot.
the thing falls over walking on the stairs!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Grid Attack

Well, interesting topic for a first post.
i was in tolkien yesterday minding my business. when i noticed that time dialation has gone down to .15. that usually means its about to crash. and it did. in fact it crashed mejii east, tolkien, and carrol. twice. I was told that this was an attempt at a tg grey goo. i saw the lag causing balls (which were not grey), and reported them to a linden. its called grey goo because the servers cant handle the load strain for the textures.

Hello Avatar
